Date: Thursday, 14 May 2020
Time: 8.00am - 10.00am
Venue: Uncle No Name (Madang Lu metro stop)
Price: 188 RMB
Creativity plays a crucial role in being successful in business. It's a must-have skill for coming up with innovative ideas, broad strategic thinking, troubleshooting tactical problems and many other areas of business. However with the hustle and bustle of your everyday life, it can be easy to lose touch with the creative being within you.
We're all creative souls already, we just need to figure out how to harness inspiration and unleash our inner creativity. Leading a creative life, being open to new possibilities, discoveries, exploration, experimentation and self-expression is all within your reach. You just need to learn how to tap into this inner resource that you already have.
In this workshop you'll be introduced to tools that anyone can use to tap into their inner creative talent. By learning to exercise your creative muscle you'll strengthen your ability to think in new ways allowing you to invent, collaborate, and discover new opportunities.
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